Thank you to everyone who has registered with the School Day website.  We have sent home letters today with students that had not yet registered with Secure Match Keys on them.  Please take some time during this holiday weekend to register, while enjoying some relaxation time with family and friends this Thanksgiving holiday weekend too 🙂

If you have already registered – Thank you! – If you would like to register your spouse as well to share the responsibility you can use this key match to create a second contact linked with the students as well.

We are hoping to share information with you soon for booking your Parent/Teacher interviews on School Day and we are hoping to have the next round of hot lunches all online as well so that we can eliminate all the additional paperwork and make it more convenient for families.  We already have posted the Pizza lunch orders for the period of November 27th to December 18th that needs to be completed before November 21st for participation.  You can pay directly online or you can send the payment in with your child after completing his/her order online.

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact the school office.  Thank you!